Sunday, March 18, 2012


I have neglected this blog.  But hey... its SPRING!!  it means this...

treasures on my kitchen sill 

St Patrick's day party that is our special friend, Teagan's birthday, too!

Bare, happy, dirty feet

insane warm weather.  I know, maybe it's wrong.  But I love it.  We are gardening and cooking and major yard work and happy happy.
And Grandma brought over ice cream.

my curious children love finding snails and rolly polys and worms...

and there are girl scout cookies.

and camp fires in the pit

Chris made amazing kale and leek and potato soup.

And to top it all off... 
we have planted three blueberry bushes, 4 evergreens, strawberries, kale, spinich, lettuce, carrots, 
cleaned the basement, shed, and porches...
full of gratitude .

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